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Hi, I am Adrian

Adrian Quiros Pascual

Game Programmer | Game Designer

I am a passionate of videogame developement. I carry more than 3 years of development experience. I built Unity tools to ease scene editing and standard game features. My tools help developing new games. Sometimes, I work on some fun projects of my own.

Problem Solving
Team Work



Microsoft Dynamics 365 Developer

Feb 2018 - Present, Valencia, Spain

Consultory company that works on Microsoft ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Provide solutions like technology consultory, digital transformation, digital innovation and user support to improve the productivity and management of other companies.

  • Developed custom modules adapted to client’s workflow.
  • Implement integrated external APIs to automate internal management of shipment agents.
  • Provide personalized support to customers.

Intern - Android App Developer

Feb 2017 - May 2017, Valencia, Spain

Web and mobile developer company that creates personalized software.

  • Created custom mobile application using native technologies.
  • Integrate third-party APIs to facilite seamless access to external, in-app cloud data.

Intern - Computer Technician

Mar 2016 - Jun 2016, Valencia, Spain

Consultory company that provides to ITC projects, solutions that follows 4 steps, Design, Implantation, Analisis and Support.

  • Imaged and prepared new comptuers for integration into company networks and systems.


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The legend of storaca
The legend of storaca
Unity Programmer Jun 2020 - Jun 2020

Project that it’s made on 1 month by 3 programmers, on this project I worked on spawner systems, level design, destructible props, drops system and potion effects.

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Portfolio Web
Portfolio Web
Owner Feb 2022 - Present

¡This website! I made with the help of my brother, this website it’s an static web made on go, where the content is configured on .yaml files and when it’s compiled creates the static web.

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Project RPG
Project RPG
Owner July 2021 - Present

Project in progress, this project it’s an RPG - Dungeon Crawler based game, the purpose of this project is made more systems, procedural dungeon generator and learn more about gameplay.

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Path of Ascension - GDD
Path of Ascension - GDD
Owner Mar 2021 - Mar 2021

Static web that I made on 3 days to make the GDD of one of my projects more visual. Click on details to see the project.

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Characters Design
Characters Design
Owner Dec 2020 - Dec 2020

Static web that I created on 3 days for degree of video game design with the intention of make all the design in a more visual way. Click on details to see the project.

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The Bounty Hunter
The Bounty Hunter
Owner May 2021 - May 2021

Static web to present a project to the degree of video game programming, this web is made in four days to make the presentation as visual as possible.

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Fine Gardening
Fine Gardening
Game Designer Jun 2021 - Jun 2021

Project that it’s made on 1 month with 2 game designers and 2 programmers, I worked on the design of this project with a wonderful partner.

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GGJ - SOSpace
GGJ - SOSpace
Unity Programmer Jan 2020 - Jan 2020

Project from the Golbal Game Jam 2020 that I made on 48h with some partners. I learned a lot on this project an get so much fun!

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GGJ - Reap N' Slap
GGJ - Reap N' Slap
Unity Programmer Jan 2022 - Jan 2022

Project from the Golbal Game Jam 2022 that I made on 48h with some friends! Was a super fun and crazy experience!